Softlocked: entering river and hitting play and then leaving allows you to spend all coins, leaving you with nothing and no way to reset the game. Could use a "lose condition" or a "reset save" button. Was fun though.
Also after playing a bit more. Rotating pieces. Maybe just a single click and a single rotation direction would maybe be snappier than the arrows.
"Click" and "drag and drop on the same space" rotating clockwise. Grabbing the piece-> moving it to the board-> realising there's a better rotation for it-> dragging it back to a safe spot ( opening the card, deciding which direction i need to rotate it) rotating the piece with a few clicks. I think it would make things snappier. Opening the card to focus it and read it better can still be part of it. I love that part, since i play zoomed out.
But yeah. Everything else is really nice. "Fill the shop" button is amazing.
Gona sit down and check it more later, but very enjoyable so far.
Regarding soft lock - you started Vesta River, then cancelled it without rewards and then thought you're locked due to no money for any location, right? Do you think adding "free" label to Green Fields would be enough? Or did you try to enter Green Fields and it was not possible?
Regarding rotation - I was testing various card variants - some have mirror and some have custom shapes switches. However I'm not sure if I want to keep em all. I'll try your idea. One more question - would you like to have the card selected after invalid/cancelled move? This would eliminate one click in your flow, right?
Haven't tried green fields actually! I was playing during waiting for some calls, and every time a call came, i would exit the location. When i noticed that the money from first location was running out, i was curious to see what happens if i spend it all. I thought that if you 100% green fields then nothing drops from it! That's not quite intuitive that you can go there again. That probably solves the issue, though of course if played the right way this shouldn't be an issue to begin with.
I think the card can stay selected after an invalid move. There's no reason to unselect it automatically, since you'll just select another card regardless if its selected or not, and if you're not going to select another card, the first card is already selected. There's no benefit that i see with deselecting it after invalid move. Haven't thought about that part, but it seems logical, yeah, you're right!
the update is good but theres like no music even with the music at 100% sound works but not music hopefully you can fix it also can you make a tutorial fordubble diggable tiles?
I've been experimenting with the WebGL template yesterday. Do you have black screen with white progress bar? Clicking on a screen should refresh the window then. Will try to fix it with next build.
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Softlocked: entering river and hitting play and then leaving allows you to spend all coins, leaving you with nothing and no way to reset the game. Could use a "lose condition" or a "reset save" button. Was fun though.
Ouch, good one! Will fix it asap ^^'
That's alright!~<3
Also after playing a bit more. Rotating pieces. Maybe just a single click and a single rotation direction would maybe be snappier than the arrows.
"Click" and "drag and drop on the same space" rotating clockwise. Grabbing the piece-> moving it to the board-> realising there's a better rotation for it-> dragging it back to a safe spot ( opening the card, deciding which direction i need to rotate it) rotating the piece with a few clicks. I think it would make things snappier. Opening the card to focus it and read it better can still be part of it. I love that part, since i play zoomed out.
But yeah. Everything else is really nice. "Fill the shop" button is amazing.
Gona sit down and check it more later, but very enjoyable so far.
Just to clarify few things:
Haven't tried green fields actually! I was playing during waiting for some calls, and every time a call came, i would exit the location. When i noticed that the money from first location was running out, i was curious to see what happens if i spend it all. I thought that if you 100% green fields then nothing drops from it! That's not quite intuitive that you can go there again. That probably solves the issue, though of course if played the right way this shouldn't be an issue to begin with.
I think the card can stay selected after an invalid move. There's no reason to unselect it automatically, since you'll just select another card regardless if its selected or not, and if you're not going to select another card, the first card is already selected. There's no benefit that i see with deselecting it after invalid move. Haven't thought about that part, but it seems logical, yeah, you're right!
the update is good but theres like no music even with the music at 100% sound works but not music hopefully you can fix it also can you make a tutorial fordubble diggable tiles?
You're absolutely right. I'm waiting with the music as I'm not sure in which direction the project will go.
Regarding tutorial - will try to improve it within next update. Thanks :)
cant be on full screen game breaks if so
I've been experimenting with the WebGL template yesterday. Do you have black screen with white progress bar? Clicking on a screen should refresh the window then. Will try to fix it with next build.
yes it has that issue when full screening also it needs a exe file since the website resets any progress
I've just added saving progress. Hope it helps. Thanks for playing! :)